Friday, January 23, 2009

The shit in between TV shows.

Commercials.  I hate em' mostly.  But sometimes there's a couple that break the hate barrier and enter the love territory,  but in the end are doomed to go back to the hate domain, mainly because they just waste my time.  

Case in point, Jim Beams newest campaign.  Fat, hairy degenerates everywhere are rejoicing.

First off, I loved it because it was smart, well catered to and superbly executed.  Shit, I already drink Jim on the rocks, now I can picture this PYT with the experience.  Thanks Jim.

Why I hate it?  Besides the fact that shit's played now, (trying watching a whole basketball game, you'll see this commercial at least 7 times) It's all an illusion.  Ahh advertising!  Smoke n mirrors you are!


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